2011 Annual Brighid Poetry Festival: Prophecy
I wrote this last year, but it’s my only piece of devotional poetry for Brighid (so far). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prophecy She spoke to me in a tongue of flame, light flickering along...
View ArticleThe Winter Witch
Zie withdraws coiled like a snake It’s winter Zir bones shake But zie loves the snow and despite the pain welcomes the cold Zie buries zir face in it and lies on the ground The stars above zir...
View ArticlePursuing Joy
T. Thorn Coyle linked this article on either Google+ or Facebook (or perhaps both), with the message that activists, caretakers, etc, shouldn’t forget our own happiness. We do burn out. We become lost...
View ArticleLosing Time; Gaining Inspiration
Where did November go? I swear I just started it. This is a huge problem for me, quite often. I just…lose time. It’s like being abducted by aliens. I look at the clock and it’s two; I look again and...
View ArticleImbas Forosnai
So, Finn’s post on Awen for the Pagan Blog Project has inspired me a bit. As you may be aware, I worship Brighid. She’s a goddess of many, many things (as all gods are; let us remember to not ever...
View Articleunbreakable
Note: I did write this poem in the shower, a day or so after having a Daddy Issues Movie-Marathon that included Hook. I light candles before I step Into the too-hot water I write poetry in the steam On...
View ArticleFire in the Head
When you sit smothered in the wool of mediocrity feeling your creativity seep away like water through the earth light a candle and speak My name “Brighid I call you Brighid I beg you Wake up what’s...
View ArticleQotD: Sept. 25th, 2013
HAD I the heavens’ embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half light, I would spread the cloths under your feet:...
View ArticleCreating my own challenge meme
I appreciate the chance the 30 Days of… memes give me to write posts on things I may not have thought of, and I like having a challenge to write 30 times on a certain topic. You’ve probably noticed my...
View ArticleImbolc and the 30 Days of Hymns project
I associate candles in lanterns especially with Brighid and Imbolc. Happy Imbolc, or Lughnasdh/Lammas if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere! I finished up Imbolc Advent last night before I went to sleep...
View Article30 Days of Hymns, Day 9: hymn round-up and reflection on my progress
Let’s start with the reflection. It didn’t take long for me to fuck this up in some way. The first three days were great. I got up, got coffee, and made my first priority writing the hymn of the day. I...
View ArticleWhat I learned this month (about hymn-writing, mostly)
Note: this post contains animated gifs. Setting out to write 30 hymns in 30 days didn’t feel like a super-ambitious goal, initially. I mean, it was a bit daunting, because I’d never written hymns...
View ArticleFleeing Father’s Day
Father’s day is hard for me. I’ve been trying to reclaim it in Manannan’s name, as He is my Father now. Since I cut my bio-sire out of my life and accepted Manannan’s offer to adopt me, I have been...
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